The Hue Abandoned Water Park (Thuy Tien Lake Waterpark)

Recently, the Abandoned water park in Hue is known by travelers worldwide thanks to social media and online magazines, just like the Golden hands bridge in Da Nang. It was described as one of the most fearful places on our planet. So, what is that?

Local people call this spot ‘Thuy Tien lake water park’ because originally it was a theme park. Due to unlucky or wrong business strategy, after 6-months operation, it’s closed. Since then, it has been experiencing abandonment. Probably, the world seems to forget it, except for the people who come to enjoy fresh air, lakes and forests. Don’t be surprised that this park wasn’t pinned yet on the maps until when the international sites mentioned it. After the ‘discovery’, the first western visitors shared the images about it, how they feel and how to visit.

In this article, everything travelers need to know about the Hue abandoned water park, is provided with details. We recommend combining it into the imperial tomb tour, to fill the time and for convenience.  

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A General View about the Abandoned Water Park in Hue

The Abandoned water park (or Thuy Tien lake water park, the Dragon water park, Hue old water park) is a dead theme park just outside of Hue city. It’s built and operated for a short period before being completely forgotten. Local people still come here to do exercise or go on picnics but for tourists, no ideas! A few years ago, an American news website mentioned it and the journalists said that it’s one of the most fearful places all over the globe. Following this post, many curious tourists and discoverers found ways to see it, reviewed it online and showed the world how interesting it is.

Many-years abandonment caused the degradation and collapse of buildings inside Thuy Tien waterpark. Some companies tried to reset a business here, but quit later. Now, visitors can go into the park, walk around and take pictures for free. Check social media, there are lots of stunning photos there!

Note: Please be aware that this park opens and closes without a fixed reschedule, so it depends on how lucky you are if like to see it. Occasionally, somebody asks for an entrance fee to enter. Think simple, and just pay them if it’s not much. The reason originates from the lack of management from current owners and managers.


History of the Abandoned Water Park in Hue

Thuy Tien lake water park’s construction started in 2001, and its total investment was up to nearly 3,000,000 US dollars (around 70 billion Vietnamese dong). Within a 20-hectares piece of land, this costy park was designed with many buildings on the lake and pine hills around it, including an aquarium, an amphitheatre, a small water park, villas, and more. Important parts were done and ready to open in 2004. It’s the first amusement park in Hue. The owners and investors expected that it would be a busy attraction soon.

However, Thuy Tien lake water park lived in only a half of year because of not so many visitors. The benefits and goals weren’t achieved, and to save their business, the owners had to transfer it to another. From this year (2004) to 2008, it’s closed and abandoned. There is no surprise that many constructions were degraded and some of them became partly ruined. Unfortunately, once again, the new company couldn’t make the scene better. In 2017, its project came to an end. Before tourists found it, Thuy Tien park was known by local excercisers only and not on the maps.

Previously, in 2016, the USA-based Huffpost news magazines wrote about this Hue’s abandoned park. The writer emphasized on the title ‘not for the paint of heart’, ‘spooky as hell, but surreal’ or ‘totally empty’. The earliest western travelers had to follow word-of-mouth directions to reach it, but it was worthwhile. Since then, some other international channels have posted about the waterpark. It has been in the itinerary of backpackers and those who seek a special experience.

Today, Thuy Tien water park is managed by Hue city’s authorities. The newest plan aims to ‘restore’ it and turn it into a public park where locals can enter for exercise, picnic, campfire, etc. Somebody hopes that this ‘scary’ place draws many tourists. The sad past story won’t be back. 

How Does Thuy Tien Waterpark Look Like Today?

The Dragon in the Aquarium

The Dragon of Thuy Tien water park definitely is the highlight of the whole area. Constructed by concrete cement, it has a massive size and embraces a globe (or moon, sun, pearl, ball). The whole monument is placed in the middle of Thuy Tien lake, and connected with bridges. The best spot to take photos or videos with it is on the first bridge. Photographers share that the Dragon looks most spectacular in the sunrise or sunset. Its mythical reflection on the water is only possible to capture during the rainy season, and vice versa, may not have a chance in drought.

In fact, this Dragon is a part of the Aquarium in which wild animals were kept and on display for amusement. Many years after being abandoned, crocodiles still live here (that’s why it’s scary for local people!). Now, they’re brought away and raised in another place. Pools are totally dry, and seriously, the amenities are devastated. That’s why, trash, pieces of broken glasses and things are everywhere on the floors or inside the rooms (accompanied with an unpleasant smell). One thing remaining is the plants (banyan, dragon fruit, etc).

Note: Graffiti on the walls inside the Dragon are absolutely creative and colorful, making the experience at the Abandoned park more stunning.

It’s possible to go up to the mouth of the Dragon. The staircase starts from the Dragon’s foot, right at the end of the bridge, and then keeps walking upstairs to reach the top. It’s needed to step over a low wall. From there, visitors will see the whole park from above and someone can help for a photo if he/she stands below. That picture definitely is kool. There is another staircase rising up to the cafeteria or restaurant inside the Globe.

The Old car

Before seeing and taking pictures at the Dragon, the Old car can be the first sight. It has colorful graffiti, and stands near the bridge across the lake to the dragon.

The Waterpark

This abandoned waterpark is another highlight, besides the Dragon of the Aquarium. It’s facilitied with some long colorful plastic slides and a pool that is still filled by water. The investors expected that many families with kids would come here to entertain during hot season. All of us know what happened then! Visitors can walk on the dry slides but be careful because they’re lacking maintenance and safety for a long time.

To get the Waterpark from the Dragon, visitors should walk across any bridge as long as it’s not the one first taken. After arriving at the opposite side of the lake, turn right and keep going along the shore (following the paved path). It will appear soon. Remember that motorcycles and bicycles are not allowed to move in this section of the park, so reaching there by foot is the only choice.   

The Amphitheatre

This amphitheatre is in the northwest corner of the Abandoned park. If walking from the Dragon and the Water slides, follow the lakeshore to get here (the distance is the same as going from the dragon to the slides!). In the beginning, it’s used for watching musical water fountain shows. Recently, Hue local authorities took the first action to renovate this building to serve public activities, like cleaning or replacing new seatings.

In a house near this abandoned amphitheatre, family members sell cold drinks (a sign by the path showing the direction to come here!).

The Abandoned Villas and Houses

Within the pine forests, there are some abandoned houses and villas. Once the park was closed, they provided rooms for visitors.



How to Get to Hue Abandoned Water Park

Thuy Tien Waterpark Location

Thuy Tien lake water park is located in Thuy Bang commune, 6,5 km away from Hue city centre (Phu Xuan bridge). It’s 8 km from the Imperial city, and 9,5 km from Thien Mu pagoda.  

Car and Taxi

The distance from Hue city center to the Abandoned water park is not really long, so traveling by car or taxi will be inexpensive. It takes travelers around 20 minutes to get there. Taxi fare now ranges from 15,000 to 20,000 VND per kilometer, so the cost will be between 100,000 and 120,000 VND for one way. We advise booking a roundtrip or telling the driver to wait if taking a taxi.

If plan to see the tombs besides this park, you should book a private car with an English speaking driver. Text us in whatsapp number +84968009827 for more information and reserve.   

Bicycle and Motorbike

Travelers can ride a bicycle or motorcycle to reach the Abandoned water park. A full day motorbike rental now fluctuates from 100,000 to 200,000 VND, depending on whether one is automatic or semi-automatic (with gears) or big motor. Like anywhere in the country, gasoline is excluded but it’s cheap (around 1 USD for one liter). Please don’t forget a good-quality helmet, it’s a must to prepare before riding out.

No matter which area, travelers should find the shortest way to Nam Giao altar (the Heaven and earth temple). From there, enter and keep riding straight on Minh Mang road for 2,5 kilometers. To the right, there is “Thuy Tien road” leading to the park (it’s smooth). After 600 meters, will see its entrance gate (portal).

Note: Unfortunately, there is no sign showing the directions to the park, therefore please be sure that you have a downloaded map or internet to search and navigate.

Hue Abandoned Water Park Tours

Today, several Hue city tours or day trips to day include the Abandoned park in its itinerary. From Da Nang or Hoi An, we have a private custom tour in which you can select your favourite attractions to visit. Of course, to make it convenient and smoothly run, recommendations will be provided by us. Text us in whatsapp number +84968009827 for futher information and book a tour.

How to Get into Hue Abandoned Water Park


If get to the Thuy Tien lake abandoned park by car or bus, visitors must walk to access it and see around. From its entrance gate, please go straight and after 300 meters, there is a man-head statue. After that, it’s possible to see the lake already and just follow the path to the left until finding the bridge to the Dragon. Total walking distance is 1 km each way (or 2 kilometers for a round), so parents need to consider if travel with kids and children. Generally, the paths are flat and convenient for wheelchair users.

To cover the Dragon and the Waterpark – the ‘bests’ of the park, visitors will walk for 3 km in total. To finish the loop around Thuy Tien lake, the distance is 6 km. We suggest visiting the Dragon first and then the Waterpark and the Amphitheatre. When this lake is filled with water, the scenery is pretty. The best visit plan is up to your own fitness and purpose.

There are other walking paths to go from the entrance gate to the Dragon (shown on the map below), but we don’t recommend it because it’s less popular and beautiful.

Note: Keep in mind to bring enough bottles of water to drink, sun cream, sun glasses and other necessities for the visit. These things are not sold anywhere in the park because it’s abandoned.

Riding Bicycle or Motorcycle

Unlike cars, it’s possible to ride a motorcycle and bicycle into the Abandoned park. At the Entrance gate where barriers are set to stop vehicles, just look to the left and that small path is the right way to go in. Keep riding on the same road until seeing a man-head statue, turn left and follow the paved road along the lakeshore. Remember to maintain a slow and careful driver because it’s bumpy. Near the Dragon, somebody or a fence doesn’t allow people to ride further. It’s needed to walk then (and may pay for the parking but not much) to get the dragon and the Waterpark.

To go to the Amphitheatre, visitors can use the motorcycle. From the dragon, return to the man-head statue by the same road, and keep riding along lakeside road, across a bridge. It’s just on the left hand side. From here, it’s possible to walk to the Waterpark also.

What to Do After the Hue Abandoned Theme Park?

Tomb of Khai Dinh Emperor

Tomb of Khai Dinh king is 3,5 km away from the Abandoned park. This imperial burial place boasts of its amazing construction and decoration, especially the mosaic of ceramics in its worshipping hall. It’s designed by its owner – Khai Dinh, the 12nd emperor of the Nguyen dynasty who ruled from 1916 to 1925. It took 11 years to complete. See full details in

– Ticket price: 150,000 VND for adults and children above 12 years old, 30,000 VND for children between 7 and 12 years old, and free of charge for smaller kids

– Opening hours: 7 am to 5:30 pm

Tomb of Tu Duc Emperor

4 km away from the Abandoned park, Tu Duc tomb is the grand home for Tu Duc king, his wife and his adopted son after death. He was the 4th emperor of the dynasty, ruling the country for 35 years (1847 to 1883). His mausoleum expresses his artist soul, featuring pretty constructions surrounded by lush forests and peaceful lotus lakes. Read further details in

– Ticket price: 150,000 VND for adults and children above 12 years old, 30,000 VND for children between 7 and 12 years old, and free of charge for smaller kids

– Opening hours: 7 am to 5:30 pm

Tomb of Minh Mang Emperor

Minh Mang tomb is 9 km from the Abandoned park. Built from 1840 to 1843, it boasts the best harmonization between architectural buildings and their surrounding landscape. There are about 40 constructions within its protective wall that are embraced by lakes, pine hills and flower gardens. All of them are arranged along an axis and its end is the burial place of the king. The owner – Minh Mang is believed that was the most successful emperor of the Nguyen dynasty. Read more information in

– Ticket price: 150,000 VND for adults and children above 12 years old, 30,000 VND for children between 7 and 12 years old, and free of charge for smaller kids

– Opening hours: 7 am to 5:30 pm

Tomb of Gia Long Emperor

Gia Long tomb is the furthest imperial mausoleum in Hue. It’s also 14 km away from Thuy Tien lake waterpark. This is a complex of three temples, a grave and a memorial building. The trio of temples are used to worship Gia Long king – the founder of the Nguyen dynasty, his first wife and his mother. The grave is huge, famous for its twin tombs that belong to the king and his beloved wife. Compared to other royal mausoleums in Hue, it’s more peaceful, borderless and harmonizes with nature. Please see full details in

– Ticket price: 150,000 VND for adults and children above 12 years old, and free of charge for smaller ones

– Opening hours: 7 am to 5:30 pm


Thuy Tien Abandoned Waterpark on Google Maps

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